
 Sunday Services   

        8:45  Adult Bible Study  (meets in The Harbor)

(in recess; resumes September 8, 2024)

        10:00  Worship Service
             (Nursery available; ask an usher or greeter in the lobby.) 

        10:20 Lighthouse Kids (Children’s Church) – Ages K-6th grade

Thanks for checking us out!  We are the Family of God at Cayucos Community Church – a gathering of ordinary people who have become extraordinary by the grace of God. We are various ages, all stages of spiritual growth, but characterized by a passion to let God transform us into the likeness of Jesus so that we can live as His representative on earth.

If you have never attended before, be sure to visit our “Planning a visit” page.  Otherwise, read what follows for a further snapshot of who we are. 

At CCC we are about making, maturing mobilizing and multiplying devoted followers of Jesus to the praise and glory of God. We aren’t perfect, but we’re changing.

We seek to love God, love each other, and live with eternity in view. We are pilgrims on the earth, investing ourselves as stewards and servants of the King of Kings. We long for the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ to be proclaimed and lived along the Central Coast and around the world. We believe everyone who is part of this local church is set apart by God for this purpose.

We are excited to share this journey and invite our friends and family to join us. God is relational. He designed us for fellowship with Himself and fellow believers. We need each other. We can’t spur each other to love and do good deeds in isolation.

Come join us!